Humboldt County Updates

PRACTICE Grant Update

May 14, 2024

Wrapping up our PRACTICE grant work with Open Door Community Health Clinic, we have put on three successful Harvest Box events. Families with children who screened positive for ACEs, food insecurity, and whose provider identified as a good candidate for harvest boxes, were signed up with two cohorts of 25 patients each. The last three first Fridays of each month, we have put on small wellness fairs at ECHC where different learning activities were offered for families with partnership from the resource team at Open Door and their garden department.. Each date focused on stress busters and community connection! In April, we were fortunate to host the event outdoors! We focused on mindfulness, mental health, and supportive relationships. With each fresh produce box, families also received take-home activities and learning materials customized for their family, and we have received great feedback from families about how supportive these events have been.