
Parenting Class Highlight: Orleans

August 08, 2024

“Thank you so much; we’ve really enjoyed the classes and hearing everyone’s experiences” – Orleans family

As part of our work under the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), we held our first parenting class this summer! In collaboration with Orleans Elementary, Junction Elementary, Two Feathers, and the Karuk Tribe, we brought Triple P Positive Parenting seminars to Orleans. Our three-session seminar focused on creating a safe environment to share caregiving experiences, discuss the challenges families face in Eastern Humboldt, and explore the principles of positive parenting. We also used this opportunity to share community resources and the Karuk Tribe shared information and resources about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). 

Our three sessions included the following themes: The Power of Positive Parenting, Raising Confident, Competent Children, and Raising Resilient Children. Each session focused on key learning principles, take-home strategies, and provided a wonderful opportunity for connection and reflection. We are so grateful to our 60 participants and our amazing partners who welcomed First 5 Humboldt facilitators!

We are excited to offer more Triple P positive parenting classes this fall! Stay on the lookout for our upcoming calendar.These classes are a fantastic opportunity to learn tangible strategies and build connections. Plus, at the end of each session participants will receive a certificate of completion!

If you are interested in partnering to facilitate a parenting series, contact us today at