
Parental Resilience is Key to Thriving Families

February 04, 2022

  1. What is Resilience? “Resilience, simply defined, means the ability to recover from difficult life experiences, and often to be strengthened by and even transformed by those experiences. Resilient parents have empathy for themselves and others and are able to keep a positive attitude, solve problems creatively and take life’s events in stride. They are able to “bounce back” from negative experiences.”   (Children’s Trust Fund Alliance, Strengthening Families Curriculum)
  2. Why is Resilience so Important? “Very simply, more resilient parents are stronger parents. Parents who are more resilient will be able to take good care of their children even when they are experiencing a crisis. Resilient parents have more patience with their children day-to-day, but especially in times of stress. ”  (Children’s Trust Fund Alliance, Strengthening Families Curriculum)

  3. What Does Resilience Look Like?  “Resilience – and how we build it – doesn’t look the same for everyone. There are many ways for us to gauge how we handle the challenges and stresses we face.”  (Children’s Trust Fund Alliance, Strengthening Families Curriculum)

  4. How is Resilience Fostered? Resilience is fostered through connections and relationships, both within the family and in the wider community. Resilience can be promoted by schools and institutions that honor family culture and history, focus on family strengths rather than deficits and welcome and value all families.  Parents should have opportunities to share in decisions that affect their children and their families and be offered real support when it is needed. “By being there when families most need support, you can bolster parents’ resilience – or help them develop resilience that they may not have had before.” (Children’s Trust Fund Alliance, Strengthening Families Curriculum)

  5. Fostering Resilience through the 5 Protective Factors strategies: Respond to family crises and value and support families. 

These strategies and everyday actions lead to supporting parents to develop resilience strategies and learn to buffer their children from daily stresses. These skills in turn will lead to strengthened families, optimal child development and a reduced likelihood of child abuse and neglect. (CTF Alliance)


For more information, visit the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance to learn about the Strengthening Families 5 Protective Factors.  Click here